Friday, December 15, 2006

Found But Not Lost Anymore.

Yesterday I ended up going to the vet in Petsmart and found that the dog has a microchip. So through a lot of calling on the vets end, they finally called me today. We found Cocoas owner, they live in the neighborhood next to us... Now if you have ever been to our house, you know that our house is in a big neighborhood. The neighborhood right next to us is large as well. So Cocoa traveled a long way to our house. Thankfully he had gotten out that same night so he didn't have to be out in the elements for too long. What is funny is that the owner didn't even know he had a microchip. So... lesson learned... get a "home again" chip for Gromit (they are only $30) and make sure we are good and registered (they were not registered that is why it took so long to find them)... I don't know what we would do without Gromit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think they might be cheaper at the vet on base....I'm not sure though. You could always call. Everybody who lives on base has to have their dogs microchipped. :) I think it's a very very good idea.