Thursday, November 23, 2006

Welcome Home Eric!

Like father like son :) Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Waiting for Daddy

We are looking forward to your return... Eric. I couldn't keep him away from the front window today... I wonder if he senses your nearing return?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Dinner Music

It was so cute... this evening our neighbors came over for dinner and Connor got to spend some time and play with Elizabeth. They had so much fun together playing the piano... Connor was in his serious mode... he really likes pianos so it seems. Short story: It was kind of funny, since Connor is starting to walk, he graduated to the big nursery at church. Sunday morning, when I picked him up, he was playing this toy piano with another child. As I kept on watching him while talking to a friend, I saw him trying to get in front of the other kid to get the piano all to himself.... such a piano hog!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

How did he do that?

This morning as I was going from Connor's room to the family room unpacking his bags while he was playing in his room. I went into his room and he was gone, he wasn't in the living room but I still heard him babbling. I thought I had closed the bathroom door.. because Connor just loves the bathroom. He appreciates his bath's just like his mommy. Anyways I guess I didn't close the door all the way; I found him like this..... now how in the world did he get into the tub... without bumping himself and crying... it still remains a mystery to me... quick little guy isn't he? He also got his second tooth on Saturday. Oh... and correction Connor did take his first two steps at James and Nadine's house, but at Gymboree he took his first five or so steady steps.... I honestly thought he was too wobbly... but he made me out to be a liar again.. he loves to do that! Oh and happy ten months Connor!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Logan and Connor went to Gymboree and had a blast! FYI Connor took his first few steps.. I was in shock! He will be running laps around Eric and me before we know it :) Some of the pictures are blurry... they just move too fast for the camera!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Day at Four Parks

I am at my parents now and Dad and I decided to take Connor to the park. We had some moms direct us to other parks in the area… and we ended up going to four... Connor had a busy day today. We miss you Eric!.. and yes it was really windy and the beach.. we didn't stay long. :)