Sunday, May 13, 2007

Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri

So we went to visit my Uncle Jim and my cousin Jamie and her family at the Lake of the Ozarks which is a vacation/sesonal town in Missouri. It was nice seeing ya'll again! Uncle Jim thank you so much for your hospitality! The meals were awesome! Eric that sequence of pictures is for you (sorry to bore people with it) but Connor had his first wafer cookie while we were there... and he just loves them so to get him to look up we waved a wafer cookie in front of him and these were his reactions. haa haa! Oh... and the kids are on a little pirate ship... Connor is saying... argh. Not really... but it looks like it doesn't it? Oh and the other pictures of the kids playing is at Uncle Jim's house... he constructed this little play area that was the kitty cats meow!

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